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I’ve Become a Southeast Asian Snowbird

Countries like Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos offer unrivaled sights, amenities and adventures for the older traveler. (By Deborah L. Jacobs)

When Clients Consider Leaving a Charitable Legacy

Whether it’s including family members in the philanthropic mission or setting up a charitable plan for a business, advisors can assist. (By Ken Nopar)

Which Cities Have the Longest and Shortest Commutes?

Taking the car is faster and more expensive than using public transit, the Coast study of 100 U.S. metro areas confirms.

Former Army Financial Counselor Guilty of Defrauding Service-Member Survivors

He manipulated members of at least two dozen Gold Star families into transferring $9.9 million of benefits into accounts he controlled.

A Taboo Topic Advisors Need to Talk About

Clients’ financial plans may fail if you’re unaware of the caregiving responsibilities they shoulder for older family members.

Persistent Inflation Pressures Could Delay Fed Action

The March U.S. inflation report and other macro data will likely prompt a change in the Federal Reserve’s trajectory in 2024. (Pimco)